The Be Book Drivers Drivers Index

Functions for Drivers & Modules Function Summary

Function Summary

Function Description
acquire_spinlock() Acquires a spinlock
add_debugger_command() Adds a new command to the kernel debugger
add_timer() Installs a timer interrupt
call_all_cpus() Calls a function on all processors
cancel_timer() Removes a timer interrupt
disable_interrupts() Disables interrupts
dprintf() Prints a debugging message to the debug serial port
get_memory_map() Returns the physical memory chunk corresponding to a given virtual memory address
has_signals_pending() Indicates what signals are currently pending for a given thread
install_io_interrupt_handler() Installs an I/O interrupt handler
io_card_version() Returns the version of the I/O card
kernel_debugger() Drops the thread into the kernel debugger
kprintf() Prints a message to the serial port (for use in debugger commands)
load_driver_symbols() Loads the specified driver's symbols into the debugger
lock_memory() Locks the specified range of memory into physical memory
map_physical_memory() Maps the specified physical memory into your team's address space
motherboard_version() Returns the version of the motherboard
panic() Prints a debugging message then halts the system
parse_expression() Parses a C expression and returns the result
platform() Returns the current platform
register_kernel_daemon() Adds a daemon to the kernel
release_spinlock() Releases a spinlock
remove_debugger_command() Removes a command from the kernel debugger
remove_io_interrupt_handler() Removes an I/O interrupt handler
restore_interrupts() Restores the previous interrupt state
send_signal_etc() Sends a signal to a specified thread
set_dprintf_enabled() Turns on or off debug output
spawn_kernel_thread() Spawns a new thread in the kernel's address space
spin() Delays for at least a given number of microseconds.
unlock_memory() Unlocks the specified range of memory
unregister_kernel_daemon() Removes a daemon from the kernel

The Be Book Drivers Drivers Index

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