The Be Book Drivers Drivers Index

Constants and Defined Types

Declared in:  be/drivers/Drivers.h

This section covers constants and types defined for use by kernel drivers and modules.


Current Driver API Version


The B_CUR_DRIVER_API_VERSION constant indicates what version of the driver API your driver will be built to.

See also: "Symbols Drivers Export"

Driver Control Opcodes

Constant Meaning
B_GET_DEVICE_SIZE Returns a size_t indicating the device size in bytes.
B_SET_DEVICE_SIZE Sets the device size to the value pointed to by data.
B_SET_NONBLOCKING_IO Sets the device to use nonblocking I/O.
B_SET_BLOCKING_IO Sets the device to use blocking I/O.
B_GET_READ_STATUS Returns true if the device can read without blocking, otherwise false.
B_GET_WRITE_STATUS Returns true if the device can write without blocking, otherwise false.
B_GET_GEOMETRY Fills out the specified device_geometry structure to describe the device.
B_GET_DRIVER_FOR_DEVICE Returns the path of the driver executable handling the device.
B_GET_PARTITION_INFO Returns a partition_info structure for the device.
B_SET_PARTITION Creates a user-defined partition. data points to a partition_info structure.
B_FORMAT_DEVICE Formats the device. data should point to a boolean value: If true, the device is formatted low-level. If it's false, the formatting is <<??>>
B_EJECT_DEVICE Ejects the device.
B_GET_ICON Fills out the specified device_icon structure to describe the device's icon.
B_GET_BIOS_GEOMETRY Fills out a device_geometry structure to describe the device as the BIOS sees it.
B_GET_MEDIA_STATUS Gets the status of the media in the device by placing a status_t at the location pointed to by data. (See the list below.)
B_LOAD_MEDIA Loads the media.
B_GET_BIOS_DRIVE_ID Returns the BIOS ID for the device.
B_SET_UNINTERRUPTABLE_IO Prevents control-C from interrupting I/O.
B_SET_INTERRUPTABLE_IO Allows control-C to interrupt I/O.
B_FLUSH_DRIVE_CACHE Flushes the drive's cache.
B_GET_NEXT_OPEN_DEVICE Iterates through open devices; data points to an open_device_iterator.
B_ADD_FIXED_DRIVER For internal use only.
B_REMOVE_FIXED_DRIVER For internal use only.
B_AUDIO_DRIVER_BASE Base for codes in audio_driver.h.
B_MIDI_DRIVER_BASE Base for codes in midi_driver.h.
B_JOYSTICK_DRIVER_BASE Base for codes in joystick.h.
B_GRAPHIC_DRIVER_BASE Base for codes in graphic_driver.h.
B_DEVICE_OP_CODES_END End of Be-defined control IDs.

B_GET_MEDIA_STATUS returns one of these values in data:

Defined Types


typedef struct {
      uint32 bytes_per_sector;
      uint32 sectors_per_track;
      uint32 cylinder_count;
      uint32 head_count;
      uchar device_type;
      bool removable;
      bool read_only;
      bool write_once;
      } device_geometry

The device_geometry structure is returned by the B_GET_GEOMETRY driver control function. Its fields are:

If you need to compute the total size of the device in bytes, you can obtain this figure using the following simple formula:

disk_size = geometry.cylinder_count * geometry.sectors_per_track * geometry.head_count * geometry.bytes_per_sector;

The device type returned in device_type is one of:


typedef struct {
      device_open_hook open;
      device_close_hook close;
      device_free_hook free;
      device_control_hook control;
      device_read_hook read;
      device_write_hook write;
      device_select_hook select;
      device_deselect_hook deselect;
      device_readv_hook readv;
      device_writev_hook writev;
      } device_hooks

This structure is used by device drivers to export their function hooks to the kernel.


typedef struct {
      int32 icon_size;
      void *icon_data;
      } device_icon

When you want to obtain an icon for a specific device, call ioctl() on the open device, specifying the B_GET_ICON opcode. Pass in data a pointer to a device_icon structure in which icon_size indicates the size of icon you want and icon_data points to a buffer large enough to receive the icon's data.

icon_size can be either B_MINI_ICON, in which case the buffer pointed to by icon_data should be large enough to receive a 16x16 8-bit bitmap (256-byte), or B_LARGE_ICON, in which case the buffer should be large enough to receive a 32x32 8-bit bitmap (1024-byte). The most obvious way to set up this buffer would be to create a BBitmap of the appropriate size and color depth and use its buffer, like this:

BBitmap bits(BRect(0, 0, B_MINI_ICON-1, B_MINI_ICON-1, 0, B_CMAP8));
device_icon iconrec;

iconrec.icon_size = B_MINI_ICON;
iconrec.icon_data = bits.Bits();
status_t err = ioctl(dev_fd, B_GET_ICON, &iconrec);

if (err == B_OK) {
   /* enjoy the icon */
} else {
   /* I don't like icons anyway */


typedef char driver_path[256];

Used by the B_GET_DRIVER_FOR_DEVICE control function to return the pathname of the specified device.


typedef struct {
      uint32 cookie;
      char device[256];
      } open_device_iterator

Used by the B_GET_NEXT_OPEN_DEVICE control function. The first time you call this function, your open_device_iterator should have cookie initialized to 0. Then just keep calling it over and over; each time you'll get the name of the next open device. When an error is returned, you're done.


typedef struct {
      off_t offset;
      off_t size;
      int32 logical_block_size;
      int32 session;
      int32 partition;
      char device[256];
      } partition_info

The partition_info structure describes a disk partition, and is used by the B_GET_PARTITION_INFO and B_SET_PARTITION control commands.

The fields are:

The Be Book Drivers Drivers Index

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